Renewed Allegiance
Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.
– Matthew 26:14-16
What Have We Done?
Oh my soul, oh my Jesus
Judas sold You for 30
I'd have done it for less
Oh my soul, oh my Savior
Peter denied You three times
I have denied You more
As the nails went in
I was standing right there
As You breathed Your last
I shook my head and I cried
Oh my God what have we done?
We have destroyed Your Son!
Oh my God what have we done?
We have destroyed your Son!
Oh my soul, oh my Jesus
Judas sold You for 30
I'd have done it for less
Oh my soul, oh my Savior
Peter denied You three times
I have denied You more
As the nails went in
I was standing right there
As You breathed Your last
I shook my head and I cried
Oh my God what have we done?
We have destroyed Your Son!
Oh my God what have we done?
We have destroyed your Son!
Oh my God what have we done?
We have destroyed Your Son!
Oh my God what have we done?
We have destroyed your Son!
As the nails went in
I was standing right there
As You breathed Your last
I shook my head and I cried