Daily Meditations through Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday.

Holy Renewal

This year is unique in that it will be the first time in our church’s history when we will not be allowed to physically gather as the people of God to remember and celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection from the dead. This is something for us to mourn as Christians, because we are hard wired for community and for gathering together for worship. We mourn the loss of the encouragement, the soul nourishment, the fellowship, the comfort, and the joy which comes from our gatherings each Sunday. We mourn for the city who desperately needs the lived gospel in our gathering and proclamation of His love. 

However, even in our mourning for this temporary loss of community, it is also an opportunity to see our faith grow in more personal, individual ways. It is a time when we get to slow down, to pause, and learn to truly commune with Christ in ways that we maybe haven’t had a chance to experience yet. This is why we are having as our focus for Holy Week the theme of “Holy Renewal”; to seek the Lord in renewing us as we face these challenging times together as the scattered church family of The Resolved Church. We will be sending out a Scripture reading, a meditation, and a song, each day of Holy Week, using as the lens of focus the events of Jesus leading up to His death and Resurrection. This practice is something which the Church has done since the very early beginnings, and both anchors us to a lineage that extends back millennia, as well as anchoring us here and now in our true identity as God’s chosen and beloved children. 

I am praying that God will use these daily meditations to begin to renew us individually in His love, His care, His guidance, His protection, His goodness, His holiness, and His victory over sin and death. I want to invite you to take the opportunity next week to daily meditate on the LORD and respond in worship and devotion.